Schoko dunkeln
Yesterday I bought a new cloth. My idea with mix n match fashion doesn't help me to stop shopping but always gives me ideas to mix and match and share to u...haha. My camera digital was low battery and I tried to pick pictures from my Ipod...I found apps edit photo in my Ipod and I like this...Check this out!
Choose your fashion style and be creative!
Klagenfurt, 18 November 2011, 09:37 pm
5 komentar:
Masih...newbie ya mba... widget shoutmix-nya di pasang dulu biar pengunjung bisa say hallo...
Kalo mo cari widget blog keren n unik kunjungi aja ke
Happy Blogging....
hehehe iya newbie..sebenarnya udah bener kok pas awalnya,,,terus karena ada keeroran di COMMENT akhirnya ini lagi direparasi dulu...makasih ya akan mengunjungi blog kamu :D
Oke...dech trims ya... horeee akhirnya dapat jatah...hehehe :):)
Lho commentnya ilang,,,sori mas kykx kpencet delete haha blog nya mas udh aq follow,,,ntr klo blog aq udh beres follow blik ya haha mksh,,,
Eh ternyata ada...berarti ga ke delete haha
:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k:
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